Saturday, August 13, 2011

I'm quite annoyed at this soccer coach at my middle school?

Recently I moved from England to the United States and went to Soccer tryouts for the Middle School team and the head coach was tricking kids of his list and he got to me and coz I'm European, he went "lucky us, got some European talent this year" and although it is a complement and he propobaly didn't mean it offensively It's quite annoyed me becuase he basicly umed I was good at soccer because I was European which is quite steroytypical views, I mean i am good at soccer but not because I'm European or English but because I have been playing since I was 2 and have had been coached by ex proffesional players at English Club youth academies (mainly Leeds, Hull and Man City). It's not genetic, and it annoys me that people would ume I was good at soccer because I was European not becuase I try hard and practise and had good coaching. Anyway the coach seams like a nice guy just wish Americans would think about why Europeans are in general (not always though) better at soccer before dismissing it as in the genes Europeans have or Europeans are good because there european.

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