Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Should I switch my major to become a chef?

I have always really loved food and since my 8th grade year, after watching show featuring Jamie Oliver, i knew i wanted to cook as a profession...i worked in my schools cafeteria and attended a few cooking cles in my area and experiment with different food at home n tried different recipes. however, during the summer of my sopre year, at camp, my aunt asked about my future career. she started asking me all sorts of probing questions and i wasnt sure how to answer them because i had been caught off guard as well as the fact that me n her never talked but mabye twice a year...i have never been too comfortable around her. then she asked me to taste a cake for her n tell her how it could be improved...i still wasnt sure how to answer. in the end she concluded that i didnt have a pion for cooking and that i should find a new career path...i listened to her advice and abandoned pursuing that career...it is now four years later and i have found myself regretting not going to culinary school...i am currently a physical education major and i love sports but im not sure if i can see myself doing that for the rest of my life...i feel very confused right now about whether i should switch majors or just finish my bachelors in teaching...my mom has laughed at me when i brought the subject up and says she doesnt see that i have any type of pion for cooking...only my best friend says she believes in me and supports me and thinks that i should switch...any kind of opinion or advice would be greatly appreciated...should i switch my major?

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