Tuesday, August 9, 2011

To those who watched the copa america peru-venezuela game, no venezuelans to answer this question?

To be answered by anyone who watched the game in Copa America between Venezuela and Peru. This question is to anyone who watched the game, but no Venezuelans to answer this question please. I dont know much about Soccer i just support Peru because i was born there, but raised in miami. I want to know if in soccer scoring officials or federation officials can review the game, and maybe make a diffrent judgment/ result or outcome of a game, due to what clearly was a game that seemed to be set up against Peru? Can any sactions be made against the refs. Also, not to take anything away from the team that won, but at the same time let them have something they really didnt earn,I think what should be done in fairness to both teams is call the game a 0-0 draw, worst case would be finding a way to replay the game with diffrent refs, along with penalizing them by suspending them for the rest of the tournament. I mean they called things against us and didnt do so against them, they didnt award us with what clearly was a penalty kick, also they eject one of our main gains in a situation that at best should have been a non-call. Instead our guy gets ejected and from then on things fell apart. Why isnt soccer like Baseball for example, that if a questionable call is made and officials become aware of it they change it within 24 hours of it happening. Why doesnt soccer have this rule? Something has to be done for this to get fixed. Too Much Favoritism goes on in Soccer, in our first game against Uruguay we had 2 Refs from Venezuela, as far as im concerned, from what i know about the rules of tournaments like these refs within a group can be from any of the countries that are the group they are officiating. And in the first game for Peru and Uruguay there were 2 Venezuelens, and in this game Mexicans because they hate us. What is the best thing that can happen, what meausres can be taken in order to take charge of what clearly was a set up gam

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