Thursday, August 11, 2011

What happened to a child being born being a gift?

i am with you~~~ Adoption is a real option (to the one who said it was "peachy".)...we have adopted 3 children and they are ours as much as the ones i have birth to, abortion is not ok, i dont see why people think its the thing to do........i really try to understand others and i empathize with women who were d etc (however they do give the morning after pill in the er to victims just in case~ so abortion really should not have to be thought of) I think that you are human and as we all have thought at one time or another in pregnancy "can i really do this?" and the answer is yes and no, we are gonna have rough days and challenges BUT your babies make it all so worth it. And as an end not~ I have more respect than can be put in words for those who trully realize they cant give there babies the life they deserve and they make sure someone who will love them gets to have that joy, believe me, every child is a blessing and a gift even before there little heartbeat is heard~~ GOD BLESS~~~

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