Saturday, August 13, 2011

A few questions about a 3- 4 month olds night time sleep. Is this normal?

ok so my baby girl is not the biggest sleeper ever. She has always been a cat napper despite my efforts to get her to sleep longer. It does not seem to bother her during the day, she is pretty happy and content. But over the last month she has become extremely fussy at night time. I try and get her to bed at a good hour but no matter how hard I try she fights her bed time for a couple of hours. It seems that she is getting more and more difficult to get to sleep at nights. What she does is she feeds, then I put her down and she sleeps for a few minutes and then howls the house down. Its not just a tired little wimper either its full on screaming like she is in pain. It takes a long time to settle her, the only thing that works is to feed her again (she is feed). This cycle of feeding and putting her down and then having her go hysterical lasts hours. We have tried burping her and swaddling, pacifiers, white noise, lullaby music, rocking etc etc but we just can not change this behaviour. In the end she finally sleeps out of share exhaustion and then sleeps through until about 8 am, waking once or twice to feed at night (and then straight back to sleep). Im just curious if this behaviour is normal for a 3 month old? could it be colic even though I know shes probably too old to develop colic? do they get over this faze on their own? is there anything we can do that dosnt involve leaving her to cry it out (trust me if you heard the way she screams you wouldnt be able to just walk away and leave her like that its heart breaking). Any advice is really helpful. Thanks

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